Teaching Archive
Teaching Archive

New To
Trinity Church

Whether you are a follower of Jesus, a wayward soul, or a spiritual skeptic you are welcome. We believe Trinity Church is a good place to ask questions, seek God, and experience Him personally. Please let us know if we can serve you in any way.
Sunday services:
We understand that going into a religious environment can be intimidating. There is always a fear that you might embarrass yourself because you do or say the wrong thing. At Trinity Church there are no secret handshakes or special ways of doing things that you have to know. We try and clearly mark everything so you can find your way around, and you can always ask as we are used to having guests that have a question or two. Most folks stand when we sing songs and sit for the talking parts, but you will see that even this is optional.
Sunday Service: 10:00 am
Contact us
(408) 739-6659
477 N Mathilda Ave.
Sunnyvale, CA 94085
office hours
12:00 - 3:00 p.m.
Wednesday through Friday
9:00 - 3:00 p.m.
Trinity church Q&A
The services or program varies from week to week as we try hard not to do the same old thing all the time. However, there are some elements that show up most weeks. There is modern music, a teaching time, and announcements on what’s happening. Services usually last about an hour and 15 minutes with a coffee hang out time before and after.
We believe that we all fall short of not only God's standard, but usually our own standards as well. Trinity Church is not a place for folks who have it all together, but it is a place for folks who want to do better. This means that we extend grace to one another, at the same time we cheer one another on to grow. We believe that no one is beyond God's forgiveness and redemption, and we have the stories to prove it.
We try hard to design a church experience that works for the whole family. We have programs for nursery, early education, elementary, and youth. In each case the lessons for our kids are fun and approachable and taught by our committed staff and volunteers who serve Jesus by serving you and your kids. For times and specific information, please check out the individual ministry page by clicking on the picture.
If something is true, whether or not we believe in it does not make it untrue. Of course we believe there is a God and that He loves us, however, many of us were once hardened skeptics. The only way you can find out for yourself is to learn, ask questions, and try it for yourself. We welcome you to do just that. It is alright to be in process and a little pessimistic.
​Trinity Church is a modern, Bible believing, Christian church. At the center of it all we teach about Jesus. And while this might mean you’ll learn some things on how to be a better person, how to have a better marriage, or how to be more fulfilled in life—that’s not really our main goal, because without Jesus, nothing matters. It’s because of Jesus that we can know God, and knowing God is the only true fulfillment in life. This means we teach from the Bible, because the Bible is all about Jesus.
what we believe
We believe that there is only one true God and He is knowable. It's alright if you disagree, many of us did at one time as well. What we have found is that in each of us there was a hole, and nothing else could fill that hole but God. As C.S. Lewis writes, "My argument against God was that the universe seemed so cruel and unjust. But how had I got this idea of just and unjust? A man does not call a line crooked unless he has some idea of a straight line." The idea that there should be a straight line comes from that God shaped hole in each of us
In the beginning, God created both man and woman to be in union and harmony with Him, as well as with each other. So that we would have the capacity to love, God gave man and woman free will. We matter to God, and He loves us with an extravagant love. God wants to have a relationship with us. God wants you and I to be with Him forever.
The gap between where we are and where we should be is wide. It is not a gap that you and I can fill. No matter how good we try to be, no matter how much religious activity we do, we can’t bridge this gap on our own. Many people call this experience powerlessness. We are powerless to get from where we are to where we want to be, let alone where God wants us to be. Because of this, you and I are in danger of being stuck on this side of the chasm for eternity - that is death.
There is a way across. Because God loves you and me, and He wants us to live the abundant life He created us for, God sent Jesus (His one and only Son) to come down to earth to be a bridge across this gap. Jesus accomplished this by dying for our sins (by paying the penalty for sin), and then Jesus rose from the dead (as proof He has power over death).
In the Bible, the book of John, chapter 3, verse 16 says . . .
“For God” (On the right side of the chasm)
“so loved the world” (That’s you and me on the left side of the chasm)
“that He gave His one and only Son,”(that's Jesus who died on the cross)
“that whosoever believes in Him,” (which means we have to trust the bridge)
It is important to note that we need to respond to God’s love. Jesus did the work, but we must step out onto the bridge in order to get back into right relationship with God.
Confess: The Bible says we must confess that we are sinners, in other words acknowledge that we have broken relationship with God and each other.
Believe: We must believe that Jesus did for us what we could not do for ourselves on the cross.
Act: Then we will act on that belief by choosing to trust Jesus and follow him
Result: When we believe in our hearts as evidenced by our actions of trust, God is faithful to forgive our sins and restore us back into relationship with him. We don’t have to do this perfectly. We just need to authentically commit to the process.
At the heart of what we believe is the Good News of Jesus Christ shared above. Everything else flows from this. If you are looking for more detail, check out our Statement of Faith by clicking below.