Teaching Archive
Teaching Archive
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Online Bulletin
Sunday 10:00 am at Trinity Church
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Sunday Kids Ministry
Early Education (Nursery-Kindergarten) - check your child in before service at the check-in desk.
Elementary Kids (1st-5th) - need to check in before service at the check-in desk. The children will then go to the service with their parents until they're dismissed for class.
Youth Group (Legacy: 6th-12th) - will continue to sit with their parents until dismissed.
Important Dates Coming Up
​​​​​January 13 - Most small groups start back up
January 24 - Trinity Stay-N-Play
January 25 - Gateway Neighborhood Center Food Pantry
January 26 - Welcome Lunch
February 8 - Gateway Neighborhood Center Food Pantry
February 14 - Trinity Stay-N-Play
February 15 - Men's Breakfast
Friday, January 24
Trinity Stay-N-Play is held the 2nd and 4th Fridays of most months. Please register using the link below before you attend. If you haven't signed one this Fall, you will need to sign a liability form when you arrive.
Register Here Before You Come!
Trinity Stay-N-Play is a fun, two-hour event for parents and young children (age 0-5), which takes place two Fridays each month from 9.30 AM until 11.30 AM between September and May. It is a program designed to allow parents and children to interact with each other in a safe environment, where the children can learn and develop through toys, games, crafts, singing, and storytelling. The first 90 minutes of each session allows the children to participate in all kinds of activities, and the final 30 minutes is when we gather together for singing and storytelling. The cost is $3 for children ages 2-5 (all children under 2 are free).
Contact Pastor Malcolm with any questions.
Saturday, January 25
We need volunteers to keep the food pantry running smoothly. Please think about serving even once a month if you are interested. Even though we live in one of the wealthiest areas in the world, there are over 300,000 people who are food insecure. We are trying to do our part to bless these families with food. If you would like to join us in making a difference, come on the second and fourth Saturdays every month at 9:15 a.m. to help put groceries in cars.
If you have any questions, please contact Jan Ramirez.
Sunday, January 26
If you are new to Trinity, or know someone who is, please join us, or invite her/him for our quarterly welcome lunch right after church on Sunday, January 26th.
It is a time to meet pastors, elders and staff, and find out a little bit more about the ins and outs of Trinity Church. Just an FYI, there is no childcare, so children are invited as well.
If you plan to attend or have questions, please contact Julie Bruechert (RSVP is helpful when ordering food).
Friday, February 7
Need someone to pray for you or a family member? Want a time of worship? Come to the Palo Alto Prayer Room this Friday night!
The Palo Alto Prayer Room desires to create a culture where people seek God through extended prayer and worship. All are welcome to freely come and go and stay in the prayer room as long as they like. While in the prayer room, feel free to join in corporate prayer and worship, read your bible, write in your journal or engage in private prayer.
When: February 7
Time: 7 p.m.
Where: Palo Alto First Christian Church
2890 Middlefield Rd
Palo Alto
Contact Pastor Ernie with any questions.
Saturday, February 15
Join us Saturday, February 15th at 9:00 a.m. for a morning of great food, fellowship, and inspiration! Whether you're a regular or it's your first time, this is the perfect opportunity to connect with other men in the community, share stories, and enjoy a hearty breakfast together.
Mark your calendar and bring a friend!
Winter 2025
​At Trinity Church we want to see every person in a healthy Small Group. We are passionate about each person getting connected to others in an encouraging environment where you can get your personal questions answered. Small Groups will start back up in January. For more information go to our Classes and Small Groups page.
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Would you like to get our weekly emails that highlights what is going on at Trinity Church? Just send Lyn an email letting her know you would like to be added to the Trinity Church Weekly Email at julie.bruechert@svtrinity.org
If you are on Facebook and want to stay connected to the Trinity Church Family. Just go to our special Facebook Discussion Page and request to join the conversation.
If you would like to be included in the new church directory, please contact Julie at julie.bruechert@svtrinity.org.
If you already signed up and need to download the app, click the appropriate link.