Teaching Archive
Teaching Archive

Classes & Groups
small groups
Women's Group - Mondays 6:00 p.m.
Starts January 13
Thrive is for women seeking to manage anxiety, depression, or other emotional health issues that get in the way of lives, relationships, and faith.
This winter we will meet at 6 pm in person and on zoom to work on healthy solutions for our hearts and minds, building faith and community. We discuss things like safety with God, tools to respond well in a stressful situation, how to reframe negative thinking and, how to develop life-giving friendships.
For more information contact Phyllis Castren at pacastren@comcast.net.
Men's Group – Mondays 6:30 p.m.
More than any other book in the New Testament, James places the spotlight on the necessity for believers to act in accordance with our faith. How well do our actions mirror the faith that we proclaim? This is a question that we all struggle to answer well. As we go through James, we will focus on those areas that he mentions: our actions during trials, our treatment of those less fortunate, the way we speak and relate to others, and the role that money plays in how we live. It's an opportunity to allow James to encourage us to do good, according to the faith we proclaim.
For more contact Pastor Ernie at ernie.morales@svtrinity.org.
Mixed Group – Tuesdays 7 p.m.
Starts January 14
We all have areas in our lives that need change, but we have been unable to do what is necessary to make that change. This is why Trinity Church is going to explore the roots of the twelve-step program and how its ancient wisdom can help each of us make the changes that often allude us. We will follow along with the sermon series and explore these ancient truths and how they can transform our lives.
We will meet on Zoom, Tuesdays 7 to 9 pm.
For more information contact Lynn Relyea at lynn@relyea.com.
Women's Group - Wednesdays 10:00 a.m.
Starts January 8
Women! You are invited to join us on Wednesday mornings for our new study on the Power to Change. We all have areas in our lives that need change, but we have been unable to do what is necessary to make that change. This is why Trinity Church is going to explore the roots of the twelve-step program and how its ancient wisdom can help each of us make the changes that often allude us. We will follow along with the sermon series and explore these ancient truths and how they can transform our lives.
Join us each Wednesday morning beginning January 15 at 10 AM in Room 203 for an encouraging, faith- building time in God’s Word! Each week we set aside time to share our praises to the Lord and to pray for each other’s needs. If you have questions or if you plan to come, please contact: Sue Thayer (thayers@comcast.net), Barbara Ho (barbara_ho@yahoo.com) or Bonnie Wilburn (bjwilburn@hotmail.com).
Men's Group - Wednesdays 6:30 p.m.
Starts January 15
This Winter the Fight Club Men's Group seeks to draw still closer to the Spirit of God. The book Spirit Walk by Steve Smith was written to describe how to walk in God's Spirit. This study will draw on scriptures that describe His relationship to the Lord, and to us, who He is, how He works in us, and how we can keep step with Him, and will guide how to fully engage with His presence in our hearts.
The scriptural process is revealed in clear terms, and developed in chapters dedicated to four parts, two of which were completed in the Fall of 2024. Our emphasis will be on prayer, submission to the Spirit and following the scriptures to a daily walk with Him. Please join us each Wednesday evening from 6:30 to 8PM in room 203 at Trinity or by Zoom.
If you have questions, would like to join us in person or need the Zoom link, please contact Jim Thayer at jrthayer@comcast.net.
Women's Group - Wednesdays - 6:30 p.m.
Starts January 8
All women are welcome to join us this winter quarter as we study the book of Colossians. This short but powerful letter reminds us of the supremacy of Christ, that Christ is enough, and that all that is worth having is found in Christ. These truths are important for us to meditate on and discuss, as we are surrounded by distractions and lies that tempt us to neglect Christ’s utter sufficiency to save, change, and satisfy.
Please join us in the Lighthouse Room at 6:30 p.m.
For more information contact Julie Bruechert (julie.bruechert@svtrinity.org) or Yuliya Scharfy (yuliya@gmail.com).
Women's Group - Thursdays - 7:00 p.m.
Begins March 13
For the six weeks leading up to Easter, we will be focusing on getting to know JESUS more using RightNow Media's "Jesus's Farewell Message" by Francis Chan. My prayer is that we will be drawn into a deeper understanding of JESUS' love for us in a way that we choose to follow Him with more obedience and zeal than we have before. Here's the description:
Jesus’s Farewell Message
Francis Chan
Do you know Jesus? It’s one thing to know facts about him, but to experience his love, wisdom, and guidance in your life is what it means to follow him. On the night before he was crucified, Jesus invited his disciples into a deep relationship with the triune God—and his invitation stands for us too. In this 6-part series, Francis Chan dives into John 13–17, a passage rich in promises, commands, and eternal truths. He’ll remind us we aren’t called to a part-time faith—we were made to know, walk with, and commune with God.
Watch the trailer here: https://app.rightnowmedia.org/en/content/details/740760
We will meet on Thursday night from 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm March 13 - April 17, 2025.
For more info or to join, please contact Michelle at Michelle.Wilson@svtrinity.org
Men's Group - Fridays - 6:30 a.m.
Starts January 17
Men, you are invited to join us for B.I.G. (Bible Impact Group) on Friday Mornings at 6:30 am in room 203 for our new study on the Power to Change. We all have areas in our lives that need change, but we have been unable to do what is necessary to make that change. This is why Trinity Church is going to explore the roots of the twelve-step program and how its ancient wisdom can help each of us make the changes that often allude us. We will follow along with the sermon series and explore these ancient truths and how they can transform our lives.
For more information contact Jim at jim.asselin@svtrinity.org.
To Be Determined
Are you looking to discover more about Trinity Church or perhaps you would like to get more involved? Whether you are looking to join the church or simply get more information, we would like to invite you to join the Discovery class led by Pastor Joel King. This is a 2 hour including lunch and a tour of the church facility , and you can ask questions and find out more about . . .
What Trinity Church is trying to accomplish
Our core values and beliefs
And how to get more involved
Learn about church membership
For more information or to arrange for childcare please contact Julie Bruechert at Julie.Bruechert@svtrinity.org.